DARPA issues grant for stealth military motorcycles
The latest DARPA grant has gone to Logos Technologies, which will use it to develop an almost completely silent stealth motorcycle for military use. There isn't much information on the bike at this time, but when it comes to fruition, it would be used by elite teams of soldiers.
The motorcycle will be a hybrid-electric creation, which will help with the near-silent goal for the bike, and not surprisingly, it will be designed to have both an extended range and a lightweight rugged body.
The idea behind the motorcycle is that elite teams that need to traverse rough terrain for long distances can do so without drawing attention to themselves, in terms of both vehicle size and noise level. Logos hasn't provided an estimated development time frame for the motorcycle.
Said Logos Technologies' Manager of Advanced Concepts Wade Pulliam, "Quieted, all-wheel-drive capability at extended range in a lightweight, rugged, single-track vehicle could support the successful operations of U.S. expeditionary and special forces in extreme terrain conditions and contested environments. With a growing need to operate small units far from logistical support, the military may increasingly rely on adaptable, efficient technologies like this hybrid-electric motorcycle."
VIA: Washington Times