Dark Phoenix Trailer Reveals Moments Of Mystery

The first full trailer for Dark Phoenix was revealed this afternoon. This trailer shows that the next chapter in the X-Men saga is ready to roll, complete with the full cast of characters brought to the big screen in X-Men Apocalypse. Save the ones that died, of course.


What is The Phoenix Force? That's the question you'll want to ask by the end of this. But only if you have a very basic knowledge of the subject matter at hand. This is the start of something major in the X-Men universe, and something that I wish with all my heart would allow the crew of this film series to cross over to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But alas, it is still not to be.

In the trailer above, you'll find the Dark Phoenix rising from the ashes of the goodness of Jean Grey. The power unleashed itself near the end of X-Men Apocalypse to do that ancient entity in. For the Phoenix Force, such a task was no task at all.

It'll be interesting to see what this film reality makes of the Phoenix Force. In the comics, the Phoenix Force is a cosmic entity that's older than our planet. This entity made its home in a number of magical or otherwise ultra-powerful hosts over the years, including in "Lady Phoenix," a member of a version of The Avengers from 1-million BC (that included Odin instead of Thor.)


The Phoenix Force generally had a purpose throughout its tenure in Marvel Comics, or one of several aims. Of these, destruction seems to be a constant. The Phoenix's aim is almost always to burn that which does not work. Generally the Phoenix Force wanted (so far in the comics in which it has appeared) to destroy everything that refuses to change or evolve.

The Dark Phoenix will be released as a film in February 14th, 2019.

