Class Action Lawsuit Against Comcast Springs Up In D.C.
We know how much you hate Comcast's approach on hampering file-sharing traffic, here's an update where the case is heading. A class action lawsuit has been filed against the nation second largest ISP in Washington, DC.
Law firm Gilbert Randolph LLP represents the class action lawsuit, accusing Comcast of false advertising in relation to the speed of its Internet service. The fastest Internet connection is misleading as it advertises because it "intentionally blocks or impedes its customer's access to peer-to-peer file sharing,"
The suit names the plaintiffs as Sanford Sidner and D.C. residents who have subscribed to Comcast's comcrapstic high-speed Internet service during the past three years. Sidner's complaint concurs with most of the comments from our last post. The service will often "slow to a crawl" when using file-sharing applications and also says that "I'll bet most paying customers out there have no idea that Comcast is secretly blocking and slowing down their high-speed Internet service," and such practice "cuts at the heart of the service we all purchased."
Comcast has no comment on the lawsuit but still sticks by its network managed practice does not block content, just delays one briefly. "To be clear, Comcast does not, has not, and will not block any Web sites or online applications, including peer-to-peer services, and no one has demonstrated otherwise," but "Sometimes we have to delay [the sharing] because of the volume of it,"
Some of our readers have commented the slow-down affects more than peer-to-peer application like Bittorrent. It's awfully terrible if they do that on others multimedia downloading as well. I was pretty upset when TWC switched over North Dallas area with Comcast; I missed the only Cable network that would rent TIVO DVR in the future. But I guess we got lucky after all, at least TWC doesn't manage my internet content.
[via arstechnica, msn]