Can Facebook convince you to give up your organs?
It's time to get real about how powerful Facebook is as they today have begun encouraging users across their network to tap an "organ donor" button on their profiles and make their charity known. What you do when you actually become an organ donor is to promise the public that you'll allow doctors to take your organs (which you'll no longer be needing) and make good use of them. Is Facebook powerful enough to encourage a whole new generation of people to add themselves to the ranks of those kind enough to be a donor?
Mark Zuckerberg appears to think that Facebook will indeed bring this issue to the forefront of people's mind – our question for you is this: does your ability to show if you're an organ donor on Facebook make you more likely to be a person who donates their organs? Zuckerberg spoke with ABC news about the situation with a simple "We think that a lot of people who might just be on the fence about whether or not they want to do this, could be convinced to do that."
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Facebook is without a doubt one of the most powerful social tools of our generation, and if anyone in the web sphere specifically had the power to bring an issue like this to light, it's Zuckerberg. Facebook users across the spectrum will soon see the ability to add their organ donor status to their profile while all visitors to Facebook will see a "Share Your Donor Status" link when they access your page. Sound like a good opportunity to you? Let us know!