Calvin And Hobbes Ebooks Appear: iPad, Kindle, Nook Readied
Here near the end of 2013 the comic adventure universe of Calvin & Hobbes has reached the digital realm at last, being presented as a set of ebooks for several platforms. While it's not entirely clear whether this is the doing of Bill Watterson himself or those that he'd battled for years over the rights to his own artwork, the results are in: three of the most over-produced treasury books of this century are now digital.
What you'll find through several outlets starting this week is the following three titles: The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes, and The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes. These are each "Treasury" books that you've just as likely seen at a garage sale or flea market over the past 10 years as you have on the shelf of your best buddy.
So many copies of these books were produced that it's difficult not to find one at your local bookstore.
And now they're at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Apple's iTunes digital content store as well. You'll find the Amazon listings as Kindle Editions, the Apple listings as optimized for iPad, and the Barnes & Noble listings readied for the Nook family of reader devices.
Sadly there does not appear to be any sign of a Google Play release of any of these three books for the time being. Whether you'll be aiming to pick these up for your pal this holiday season or binging on them this weekend, take note: they're more than likely already in your closet in their paper editions – have a peek!
Also of interest is the recent release of the documentary Dear Mr. Watterson. Could it be a coincidence that this documentary is being pumped up with reviews this week and these treasuries are seeing release at the same time? Actually yes, more than likely.
VIA: iBooks