Bonnaroo streaming video to Xbox: skipping the mess

Supposing you've never been to Bonnaroo before, you might not know what it means to be part of "the Bonnaroo experience" – it's unique, to put it simply. As depicted briefly in the short film by the crew called Already Alive, Bonnaroo is an experience few forget (you'll see this video below, if you like). This week the folks at Xbox Wire have let it be known that Bonnaroo will be a live streaming event through Xbox One and Xbox 360 starting on February 19th (Wednesday) at 7PM EST – that's well before the actual concert series.


So what's going on here, you might ask? Xbox One and Xbox 360 users will be able to stream the "2014 Bonnaroo Lineup Announcement Megathon" first. This is the event taking place on the 19th, and it'll have music a "Bonnaroo-style party" with a "SuperJam" with artists like the Flaming Lips, Ben Folds, and "special guests."

Fast forward to the event itself – it's not entirely clear what's going on with Microsoft's connection. While they've suggested that they're tied up clean with this pre-event, we've yet to get confirmation from the Xbox crew or Microsoft on what exactly will be happening on the week of the big event series.

If you do plan on following Bonnaroo, SlashGear will also be rolling with you – have a peek at our first Bonnaroo online watch party – we'll be here during the BLAM! as well.


If they do, indeed, allow the stream to roll through to the big event, you'll be able to access it all through the Xbox Live Dashboard starting on February 19th. On the Xbox Live Dashboard you'll find a specific Bonnaroo app that'll allow streaming.

