Bing Adds 15 New 3D Cities To Maps Preview App
Back in December, Microsoft launched Bing Maps Preview app for Windows 8.1, giving users a touch-centric way to zoom in and around various cities across the globe. Fast-forward two months, and a roster of big-name cities have been added to the app in 3D, providing additional digital exploration opportunities.
The 3D maps are created using a variety of means and professionals, including those from the video game industry, photogrammetrist experts, aerial cameras that capture cities in high-definition, and more. Images amounting to petabtyes of data were used, and the end result is a 3D world that can be moved through via touch.
The majority of the new cities are located in the United States, comprised of Seattle, Gulport, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Columbus (GA), Tallahassee, Gainesville, San Francisco, Sacramento, Bakersfield, and Montgomery. Outside of the US, Murcia and Marbella in Spain were added, and Dresden and Duisburg in Germany.
In other recent Bing news, concerns about censorship on Microsoft's search engine surfaced regarding Chinese language searches and what appears to be results reflecting mainland China blocking. The comparisons and research was performed by, and Microsoft hasn't commented on the matter.
VIA: Neowin