BGRMods brings IntensaFIRE to PS3 controllers

Last year we talked a bit about the BGRMods IntensaFIRE for the Xbox 360 gaming system. The device is a controller hack that makes the controller fire faster. This thing is sort of like cheating in my book. Still, if you liked the device for the Xbox 360, but wished they had one for the PS3 good news.BGRMods has announced that the IntensaFIRE is now available for the PS3. The device is a small hardware chip with a ribbon cable that you have to install inside your controller. The device plugs into the controller without needing any solder or glue to keep it in place.


The hardware device measures 9/16 x 9/16 of an inch and will sell for $69.95. IT works with dual Shock controllers and lets the controller have rapid fire R1, R2, L1, and X buttons. The chips is said to be compatible with all games. It will ship on May 21 and get a formal unveil at E3.

