B&N nook preorders shipping in time for Christmas; new software root discovered

Barnes & Noble have been in touch to confirm that everybody who preordered a nook and was given a pre-Christmas shipping date will, indeed, get their new ebook reader in time for Christmas.  Meanwhile ongoing demand for the dual-display device means that the second batch of units won't actually begin shipping until February 1st 2010.

"We're happy to report that all customers who pre-ordered nooks and were given a pre-holiday estimated shipping date will be sent their nooks in time to receive them by Christmas. As you know, theres been an overwhelmingly positive response and unprecedented demand since Barnes & Noble announced its new eBook reader on October 20th. Customer demand continues to be strong and new orders will be fulfilled beginning February 1, 2010" B&N spokesperson

Meanwhile, the nook hacking continues with a new way to root the Android ebook reader without having to physically open it up.  Unlike the previous method, the new "softroot" can be loaded directly from a microSD card.

[via eGether and via Hack a Day]

