AT&T DOJ Transparency Report Shows 300k+ Government Data Demands
It's AT&T up next with their transparency report regarding the United States Department of Justice and the amount of demands they've been sent over the past year. These demands are of several different varieties, one category for National Security, another for U.S. Criminal & Civil Litigation Demands. While National Security demands are still stuck in the stacks between zero and nine-hundred and ninety-nine, localized crime searching is a bit more specific.
With National Security Demands, AT&T suggests that they've had a total number of between 2,000 and 2,999 requests between January 1st and December 31st of 2013. Therein they've had requests of between 4,000 and 4,999 customer accounts – so quite a few more requests made of each customer – not just one apiece.
Oddly the opposite is true of requests made with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act between January 1st and June 30th of 2013. There AT&T only had between 0-999 content requests with between 35,000 and 35,999 customer accounts requested.
With the total number of U.S. Criminal & Civil Litigation Demands made by the Department of Justice inside 2013, AT&T counts a cool 301,816 – this accounts for Federal, State and Local; Criminal and Civil. Of these, a whopping 37,839 requests were made for location – 24,229 historical and 12,576 real-time, with 1,034 on file as well.
Of course the largest number of requests were made for emergencies. The total number of emergency requests made of AT&T in 2013 was 94,304, with 74,688 of them being for 911-related matters and 19,616 of them being exigent.
AT&T suggests that in the future they'll be sending out reports like the one they've sent this month to the public on a semi-annual basis. They've also suggested that they're "committed to providing you with as much transparency and accuracy in this reporting as is possible", and will be sending out new information as they're allowed by government policy changes.