Arduino Nano 3.0 slims down for compact breadboarding
Tinkerers, DIY-nuts and electronic manglers, hold onto your hats: there's a new Arduino in town. Everybody's favorite prototyping board has just gained a new family member, in the shape of the Arduino Nano 3.0. It drops the size down to just 1.7 x 0.7 inches while still packing integrated mini-USB, top-mounted LEDs and ATMEGA328, and in fact the only thing you're really doing without is the power jack.
That's because the Arduino Nano 3.0 is intended for breadboarding, where the compact dimensions will leave more space for other components. There are 14 digital I/O pins – six of which provide PWM output – and eight analog input pins, together with 32KB of flash memory (though 2KB of that is reserved for the bootloader).
If you're wondering what all the fuss is about, the Arduino is an open hardware design that's easily programmed in a C++ derivative. It's commonly used to drive prototype hardware projects or interface between physical sensors and a computer; more information here or you can find previous Arduino projects we've covered here.
[via MAKE]