Archos 605 PMP gets GPS add-on with traffic alerts

Further blurring the line between their high-end PMP range and a PDA, Archos have announced a GPS add-on for the 605 WiFi media player. Consisting of a windscreen-mount cradle and separate SiRF III GPS puck, the accessory will add not only turn-by-turn navigation but traffic warnings and an accident notification service. Meanwhile, since the 605 is also a capable music player, users can set audio running and the GPS system will interrupt with direction instructions.


Intended for release worldwide, different localised versions of the software – which will store maps on the 605's hard-drive – will be offered. The North American version will also include Chinese and European mapping data, though of course there's future scope for more specific areas, possibly bringing down the price for those who don't want such extensive mapping. Both free and subscription-based traffic update services will be supported, and in situations of satellite loss (such as in tunnels) the 605 will predict turns until it can rediscover the signal.

The GPS accessory will be available either standalone for existing owners or in a sales bundle with the 30GB 605 itself. A one-year subscription to the accident notification service is included either way. Alone, it will be priced at around $130, while the bundle should come in at around $400. Archos expect availability in May.


[via Gadgetell]

