Apple Watch Home Screen Rearranging Via iPhone Revealed

As the April pre-order and release dates for the Apple Watch draw closer, more of the smaller details about the device continue to surface. When iOS 8.2 was released, we got a look at the new Apple Watch companion app and how users can control different setting for the wearable right from the iPhone. On that same note, a new video has turned up that shows how the Watch's home screen app layout can be rearranged on the iPhone.


Remember back in the old days how we used to always connect our iPhones to iTunes manually via USB in order to both backup and install iOS updates? Eventually we got the ability to arrange the position of apps on the iPhone's home screens from within iTunes while the device was connected. Well, it's a fairly similar process with the Apple Watch. See it in action below:

This all takes place within the Apple Watch companion app, after the watch and iPhone have been paired. There will be an option for app layout, which will display the Watch's home screen. Then it's just as simple as touching the circular icons on the iPhone and moving them around to a preferred location, automatically remaining in a hexagon-shaped layout.


Anyone who's rearranged their apps on their iPhone by tapping and holding an icon will feel right at home with this method, except with out the little effect of the icons jiggling when in edit mode. It's also worth mentioning that apps can be moved around on the Watch itself, but with its smaller screen, touching and holding an icon to move it seems it would be more of a hassle than on the iPhone.

SOURCE 9 to 5 Mac

