Apple Leaked Nokia Licensing Terms While Suing Samsung For Leaking Same Info

Samsung and Apple are still fighting in court with no signs of the feud lessening any time soon. Samsung made a court filing this week in the legal battle between the two companies that has to be embarrassing for the Apple legal team. Samsung pointed out that Apple had leaked the terms of a Nokia licensing agreement in a court filing.


Apple posted the terms of the deal to an electronic court records system called PACER. The information posted has to do with the terms of a licensing agreement for patents between Apple and Nokia. The embarrassing part for Apple is that it is seeking damages from Samsung for leaking the details of the same licensing deal.

Samsung says that Apple posted the terms of the licensing deal to the internet on October 10, 2013 and left the details there for four months before redacting them. Samsung's legal team says that the fee award should be reduced accordingly.

Courts in California have already ruled that it wouldn't sanction Samsung over leaking the details of the licensing agreement to company executives because Apple and Nokia filed to prove that the information was used to benefit Samsung. The blame for the leak was placed on Samsung counsel Quinn Emmanuel. The Samsung legal team also says that Apple and Nokia tried to seal mentions of the October misfiling in an attempt to hide the error. The move by Samsung in the end is an attempt to reduce the fees that are associated with sanctions levied by the court over the leak.


SOURCE: Apple Insider

