Apple iSlate tablet has no camera/webcam?
After Orange France's seeming on-air blunder (aka "taken out of context" misinterpretation) earlier this week regarding the Apple iSlate tablet, the specification mystery deepens with another tidbit from Daring Fireball's John Gruber. Last heard describing the iSlate project as "a cone of silence", the well-connected blogger now says that, as far as he's heard, the Apple tablet has "no camera, webcam or otherwise".
If true, that seems a somewhat bizarre omission on Apple's part, unless they really are determined to focus the iSlate on a completely different, non-communication-primary market. The touchscreen device is expected to excel at media consumption as well as feature new e-magazines and e-newspapers, but it was also presumed that Apple would include at the least iChat iSight video calls. As ever, there's a big pinch of salt in order with any iSlate rumor.