Apple fined $2.28m in Australia over 4G iPad court case

It looks like the iPad 4G fiasco in Australia has come to an end, although we imagine Apple isn't exactly happy with the result. If you remember, the company sold "WiFi + 4G" versions of the new iPad in Australia, but the tablet wouldn't work on the country's LTE networks, causing confusion among customers. The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission set out to make things right by taking the case to court, and now Apple has been ordered to pay a AUD $2.55 million (~$2.28 million) fine.


In addition to the substantial fine, Apple was also ordered to pay around $304,000 to cover court fees. The ACCC is pleased with the result, with Chairman Rod Sims, saying: "'It is a big enough fine for Apple to have their reputation affected. Whether it is $2 million or $20 million, I think the damage and the message it sends are similar."

The judge in the case acknowledged that "Apple's desire for global uniformity was given a greater priority than the need to ensure compliance with the Australian Consumer Law." The judge ultimately agreed with the fine believing that Apple wouldn't repeat the mistake. Justice Bromberg went on to say that while the amount of the fine may be small in the grand scheme of things, Apple's brand had ultimately been damaged due to media coverage of the issue.


[via Sydney Morning Herald]

