Apple claims Google Now infringes on Siri patents in GALAXY S 4

A series of patent infringement claims have been filed by Apple this month surrounding both the Samsung GALAXY S 4 and the Android-centric Google Now system. Two "Siri" patents have been pulled up by Apple surrounding unified search, each of them originally attached to a suit that filed against the Android Quick Search Box in devices running Android 4.0 and lower. Apple has also claimed in a similar document this week that claims against past Samsung Galaxy devices continue to hold true with the Samsung GALAXY S 4, the company asking that this device be included in a suit they've already got on the books.


The Samsung GALAXY S 4 is at the center of this suit, with Apple also making clear their intent to seek action against Google-made elements in the Android system such as Google Now. At the moment it appears that Apple will be calling out Samsung for implementing items like Google Now, the company having not yet pushed Google directly on the matter.

The line specifically calling out the Samsung GALAXY S 4, as located by Foss Patents, is as follows:

"Apple determined that the Galaxy S4 product practices many of the same claims already asserted by Apple, and that the Galaxy S4 practices those claims in the same way as the already-accused Samsung devices."

This bit of text comes from the "13-05-21 Apple Motion to Amend Infringement Contentions" document which has been filed this month. Of note here is the fact that the Samsung GALAXY S 4 Google Edition is not specifically mentioned, and would therefor not be falling under this filing. It's likely that Apple will specifically include the Google Edition once the device becomes available in stores.


It's also worth noting that at least one of the two filings against Google's Android Quick Search Box was overturned when filed against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus – this was done back in October of 2012, and has yet to be successfully challenged by Apple. This case is filed with Judge Koh and, because of the way this Siri-related patent was turned with the Galaxy Nexus, it's quite possible that the Samsung GALAXY S 4 will be found innocent as well.

