Apex Legends Shows Off Season 4 Gameplay In New Trailer

Apex Legends season 4 is nearly upon us, and following the new season's launch trailer, Respawn has released a gameplay trailer to give us a taste of what to expect. There still aren't a ton of specifics about season 4 out there, but with the update landing tomorrow, we expect to learn all about the new season soon. With that in mind, think of this gameplay trailer as something of an appetizer to tomorrow's patch notes.


As we already know, season 4 has been named "Assimilation," by the folks at Respawn. The season will introduce Revenant as the newest Legend, and as the trailer embedded below shows us, new robotic themed skins for Legends like Wraith, Lifeline, and Watson, are on the way and will all be available through season 4's battle pass.

We'll also see some changes to the World's Edge map, which will now have a massive Planet Harvester in its center. We see that Planet Harvester in the trailer, and Respawn notes that its red beam can be seen from anywhere on World's Edge. Expect some big fights to play out on the Planet Harvester, as it sounds like it'll be the map's new central place of interest.

Respawn has also confirmed that Apex Legends season 4 will introduce some ranked play changes, which were detailed when Assimilation was revealed last week. Chief among the changes is that Respawn will be dividing the season into two splits, with a soft reset for ranks before each one.


We'll learn a lot more about Apex Legends season 4 tomorrow, when the update ships and Respawn publishes patch notes. For now, check out the gameplay trailer above and see if what's in store is to your liking; we'll let you know when Respawn shares those patch notes, along with details about whatever interesting morsels of information they hold.

