Apex Legends season 4 revealed with Revenant in the spotlight
After a lot of twists and turns, Respawn has officially announced Apex Legends season 4. Along with that announcement comes to reveal of the game's new character, the vicious robot assassin known as Revenant. At one point, it seemed like Forge was going to be Apex Legends' new character for season four, but then the combatant was suddenly killed off in a trailer that premiered earlier this week.
Or, at least, we think he's been killed off. The truth is that we never actually saw Forge die, so he could very well show up later on the down the road as a new fighter. For now, though, all eyes are on Revenant. Repsawn hasn't shared too many details about the character just yet, but its (his?) bio on the Apex Legends website sets the stage for violence by saying that it's "consumed by hate and obsessed with revenge."
We also get a proper introduction to the character in the trailer you see embedded above. Teases on the Apex Legends Twitter account suggest that what we see in the trailer happened 25 years ago, and the way it ends suggests that we may soon see a new character with a bone to pick specifically with Revenant. In the interest of not spoiling anything about the trailer, we won't say more about it here, though.
The Apex Legends website says that season 4 will bring along a new battle pass and the new Sentinel weapon. We'll also see the introduction of ranked series 3, which was detailed a separate blog post. It seems Respawn will be making some significant changes to ranked play in series 3, introducing a new Master rank between Diamond and Apex Predator, and dividing the season into two different splits that last six weeks each.
Season 4 will kick off on February 4th, which just so happens to be the one-year anniversary of Apex Legends' launch. Those who log in between February 4th and the 11th will get special bonuses, including a weapon charm, badge, and XP bonuses for each day of the promotion. We'll likely learn more about Apex Legends season 4 in the coming days, so stay tuned for that.