Angry Birds St. Patricks Day special gets video preview

Angry Birds addict? Fingers almost worn through the glass of whatever smartphone you play it on? Rovio has just the teaser for you, a preview video – which you can see after the cut – of the new St. Patricks Day "Go Green, Get Lucky" special levels for Angry Birds Seasons.


The gameplay is more of the same, with the pigs now wearing dapper little Irish hats and the usual stacks of precarious towers to knock them down from. Rovio says the new levels are "coming soon", though since St. Patrick's Day isn't until March 17 we're guessing there'll be a little while to wait yet. Expect it on Android and iOS first, with Symbian and webOS bringing up the rear.

  • Download for iPhone or iPod Touch:
  • Download for Symbian^3:
  • Download for Palm WebOS:
  • Download for Android:
  • [via Android Community]

