Android no nightmare says TweetDeck CEO to Steve Jobs
Earlier today it was Andy Rubin challenging Steve Jobs' description of Android as fragmented rather than open; now it's TweetDeck CEO Iain Dodsworth who isn't happy with how the Apple CEO portrayed his company's experience of coding for the Google platform. Jobs had said that TweetDeck "had to contend with more than a hundred different versions of Android" and that it was "a daunting challenge"; not so fast, says Dodsworth.
"Twitter client [TweetDeck] recently launched their app for Android. They reported that they had to contend with more than a hundred different versions of Android software on 244 different handsets. The multiple hardware and software iterations present developers with a daunting challenge" Steve Jobs
In fact, Dodsworth tweeted "Did we at any point say it was a nightmare developing on Android? Errr nope, no we didn't. It wasn't" which seems a pretty conclusive stance from the developer. The company has apps for both Android and iOS, too, so are in a pretty good position to judge difficulties in coding.
[via AllThingsD]