Amiibo Demand Takes Down GameStop

On April 1, Nintendo revealed the latest wave of amiibo figurines, with the first batch being set to arrive on May 29 and the rest in July and September. Demand for amiibo has been both high and competitive, and nothing about that has fact, it appears to be increasing. Following the announcement, GameStop announced that it would start taking pre-orders as of yesterday, but the demand proved too much: buyers crashed GameStop's website, temporarily taking it offline and forcing the company to limit amiibo pre-orders to its physical retail stores.


Users began having trouble shortly after the pre-orders went live, finding the website slow and sometimes inaccessible. Soon enough, the entire site went down and visitors were greeted with a message explaining that the site was experiencing technical difficulties.

GameStop took to its social networks with an explanation, saying, "Due to very strong demand for the newest wave of Nintendo's amiibo figures, GameStop is experiencing some technical issues with our website."

Buyers were told that if they wanted to pre-order one of the Wave 4 amiibo figures, they'd have to do so at their nearest GameStop store. About two hours later, the company made a second announcement saying that all of the Wave 4 pre-orders are sold out. As of now, the website is also back online.


SOURCE: GameStop (FB)

