Alpine iLX-007 is CarPlay ready, shipping now

Apple's CArPlay sounds great, but the official offerings straight form car manufacturers are slim right now. Unless you want a 2015 Sonata, or like Pioneer decks, there isn't an easy way to get involved with Apple's new in-car system. If you like Alpine decks, we've got good news. The company has released their first CarPlay deck, the iLX-007. With the iLX-007, you'll have the power of Siri in your car, as well as apps like Rdio, Messages, and Maps at your fingertips.


You'll also need to shell out $800.

The iLX-007 is a full-fledged CarPlay deck, but checks in at a full $200 more than the base model Pioneer NEX. The Alpine option sports a full 7-inch screen, though, which rivals the top-end Pioneer NEX deck. That Pioneer deck runs $1,400, suddenly making the Alpine offering priced fairly.

The big sell here is CarPlay, though. Alpine doesn't seem to have toyed with the interface much, but they also can't with CarPlay.

The iLX-007 does have TuneIt capability, though, making you an EQ champ via an app. The app links with your deck via your iPhone, making adjusting settings easy. the Alpine iLX-007 also supports Drive Assist cameras to make backing into — or out of — parking spots simple.


Alpine isn't the first to offer CarPlay, but they are the latest. It also brings another heavy hitter into the CarPlay arena as we wait for Android's CarPlay challenger to hit the market.

Source: Alpine

