Adobe Voice turns iPad into storytelling tool

Apple has always pushed the iPad as a content creation tool, but Adobe is taking things one step further with Adobe Voice for iPad, a new video app that promises easy storytelling with pro-style results. Intended to create the sort of heartstring-tugging or wallet-opening clips that you commonly see shared on Facebook or crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, Adobe Voice effectively makes its After Effects engine automatic.

Either preloaded photos and images from a gallery of around 25,000 can be used to get started, or the images saved on your iPad instead. A variety of animated themes – including a virtual chalkboard and a watercolor painting – can then be applied, as well as music.

That's when After Effects' technology kicks in, with things like 3D, motion blur, and other tweaks all being applied automatically. A voiceover can be recorded directly on the iPad itself.

At the end, there's a credits and attribution page that's also created automatically, giving Creative Commons artists the correct mention.

Adobe says it expects Voice to be particularly popular with small businesses, charities, and schools, who want the professional looks but don't have the skills, time, or money to do it all manually. Completed clips can be shared in the usual ways.

Adobe Voice is a free download for iPad, though you'll need an iPad 2 or higher, along with iOS 7.