You Need To Make Sure Your Web Browser Is Updated, Here's Why

You may have noticed reminders about updating your web browser from time to time. Occasionally, from the browser itself, even. And it's important to heed that advice because failing to keep your browser up-to-date can lead to problems if you aren't careful.

It all comes down to security. Misleading links, add-ons with ulterior motives, and other nefarious tactics can and are used to subtly (or sometimes blatantly) steal personal information or even wrestle control of an app or entire computer system away from users.

In the case of web browsers, new versions sometimes include security updates that may add extra layers of protection from these kinds of attacks or close up vulnerabilities that a knowledgeable attacker could exploit. Regardless of the exact nature of these adjustments, it's highly recommended that you take a moment every so often to ensure the web browsers you use are as current as possible. Because not doing so leaves a potential back door (or several) open for anyone with the right know-how and the wrong intentions.

Updating your browser

When it comes to keeping your web browser up to date, the steps can be slightly different depending on which one you use.

  1. In Chrome, click the Chrome menu and select Settings, then click About Chrome at the bottom of the list on the left side of the screen. Updates will download automatically, but you'll have to click Relaunch to restart the browser and install them.
  2. For Firefox, quit the browser and restart to automatically update. Otherwise, select the Firefox menu, navigate to Settings, and scroll down until you get to Firefox Updates.
  3. To update Microsoft Edge, open Settings and More, select Help and Feedback, then choose About Microsoft Edge (or navigate to edge://settings/help). If an update is available, select Download and Install.
  4. Updating Opera requires opening the Opera menu, selecting Update & Recovery, and then clicking Check for Update. If one is available, wait for it to download and then select Update to install it.
  5. Safari updates are tied to OS updates (macOS for computers and iOS for phones), so you'll need to check for and install updates for the operating system to keep it up to date.

Keep in mind that software updates are an ongoing thing and will likely never end unless the browser itself becomes defunct. So make sure to continue checking for updates and installing them as they're available to better protect yourself.