Is It Safe To Use Skins On The Nintendo Switch?

Console customization through the use of adhesive stickers (a.k.a. skins) has been around for quite some time, and the portability of the Nintendo Switch seems like it the perfect excuse to dress it up before heading over to a friend's house or traveling in general. That said, it wasn't always an advisable practice.

Unlike other video game hardware, something about the finish used on both the Switch console and its Joy-Cons didn't play well with the typical adhesive mixtures used for these types of stickers, resulting in something far more troublesome than sticky residue that needs to be cleaned off upon removal. We're talking actual damage to the plastic surface.

The damage was severe enough that console skin manufacturer Dbrand released a series of Xs, formerly known as Tweets, acting as a public service announcement in March of 2017 to warn potential buyers and other Switch owners of the danger. After this, it stated that it would cancel and refund all preorders on its initially planned Switch skins, and cautioned against purchasing and applying any skins to the Switch or Joy-Cons whatsoever.

Is it any safer now?

Despite the issues with Switch skins back in 2017, modern console and Joy-Con stickers should be perfectly safe to apply (and remove. Now that more companies are aware of the initial problems regarding the finish on the plastics used, they've been able to formulate adhesive mixtures that get around the problem. Even Dbrand itself has released a number of skins for the Switch since its earlier failed batches (ones that never saw store shelves, for obvious reasons) that promise not to leave any residue behind if you decide to remove them.

While it's still recommended that you take some time to look into any adhesive skins — and the companies that make them — before you buy and apply, it shouldn't be too much of a gamble if you stick with brands you know and trust. Check customer reviews (both positive and negative), look over the item description to see if it specifically mentions being safe to remove, and be wary of anything with a price that seems too good to be true. If you do eventually take off any skins that leave a residue, be sure to clean your Switch off using recommended methods.