How To Clean And Fix Sticky Buttons On Your Xbox Controller

There's nothing worse than having sticky buttons on your Xbox controller. Not only is a sticky controller gross, but it can also actually affect your gameplay. After all, one of the most frustrating things that can happen while gaming is having a sticky button ruin that perfect jump or headshot.

Sticky buttons can happen for various reasons, and can occur randomly if you own the controller for long enough. Dirt buildup and oils from your hands can get stuck in the working parts of the controller, causing the buttons to stick. Sticky buttons can also happen from spills and accidents on the Xbox controller.

Since it is a piece of electronic equipment, you must handle the peripheral with care and clean it correctly so you don't damage any of its internal components and make the situation even worse. Luckily, fixing your Xbox controller when the buttons are sticky is usually a breeze, and can be accomplished with just a few household cleaning products you probably have lying around.

Clean and fix sticky buttons on your Xbox controller

The first thing you should try to do when your Xbox has sticky buttons is give it a solid clean. 

First, if you have it, try using a can of compressed air to force out any debris that might have forced its way between the edges of the button and the controller. Hold the can's nozzle about 2-3 inches away from the buttons and target the sides of the button with the air. Test the buttons after you're done.

If compressed air doesn't work, then you'll need to clean the Xbox controller buttons with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol. To clean sticky buttons on your Xbox controller:

  1. Unplug your controller and remove the batteries, ensuring it's off.
  2. Wet the tip of a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol.
  3. Rub the tip of the swab against the outside of the sticky buttons.
  4. Press the button several times to loosen any debris that might be making the button stick.
  5. Repeat this process on each problem button.
  6. Let the controller dry for at least 15 minutes.
  7. Test the button again, and repeat the process if the button is still sticky.

For really problematic situations where the button is extra dirty, you may need to wipe down the button with rubbing alcohol more than once.

What to do if cleaning the controller doesn't work

If cleaning the buttons has no effect and you're still unsure why the button is sticking, it could have to do with the mechanical components inside the controller. 

Though it might seem like the next logical step, you should not attempt to replace the Xbox controller buttons yourself. You'll need to remove the electronics board that operates the controller to do so, and it could void your warranty or you could inadvertently break your controller.

First, you should check whether your controller is under warranty. Microsoft offers a three-month warranty on accidents and mechanical or electronic breakdowns for controllers. Visit the Microsoft website and enter the serial number code on the back of the controller to see whether your equipment still falls under warranty.

If your controller is past its warranty period, there are third parties that may be able to fix or replace the buttons on your device, like Geek Squad at Best Buy. In addition, Microsoft can fix the controller regardless of warranty status, as it offers product support and repairs via the Microsoft website.