Today's Wordle Answer #546 - December 17, 2022 Solution And Hints

Our lucky streak continues — we solved today's Wordle puzzle in only three tries. The word of the day isn't an obscure one, and its letter combination isn't unusual either. We'll provide some clues that should help you crack the code on time, but if you'd rather not do the head-scratching, you can skip to the second section for the answer.

Today's word only has one vowel, O, as its third letter. There are no repeated letters, and the first letter is C, and if you replaced the last letter with E, you'd have a new word that describes a tedious, routine task.

The word is a noun that can also function as a verb, and it appears in emotional, musical, and mathematical contexts. In math, geometry specifically, the answer word is a straight line that joins two points on a circle's circumference. In music, it's two or more different but related notes played simultaneously. Finally, something strikes a [solution word] if it evokes a positive emotion, usually enthusiasm, approval, or sympathy.

The answer rhymes with poured

The solution to today's Wordle puzzle (#546 – December 17, 2022) is chord. Apart from the definitions we've included above, you could also use chord as a verb to describe what someone does when they play a chord on a stringed instrument or the act of harmonizing notes. According to Etymonline, the word is a shortened version of "accord" and influenced by "corde," which is from Latin "chorda," meaning a string of a musical instrument.

Like yesterday, we had a lucky opening guess today. We went with the word count, which turned one tile green and one yellow, which narrowed down possible solution words to 26. The second guess, chore, eliminated all but one possible answer, and we got it on the third try. We hope you finish just as quickly, or even faster. If you're itching for more puzzle action, here are more games like Wordle to try.