Today's Wordle Answer #448 - September 10, 2022 Solution And Hints

WordleBot says it took most players four guesses to solve today's Wordle puzzle. That's more than a tad difficult, so today we're running down some hints to help you crack the code and preserve your streak. We'll also reveal the full solution in the second half of this article, so if you want to cut to the chase, you can skip on down. If you didn't end up finding yesterday's Wordle solution, we've got that ready for you too. 

Today's word solution is a daunting height to attain, literally. It's an adjective that qualifies something as "rising to a great height" (via Merriam-Webster). If something or someone is impressively high or elevated in rank or status, it is or they are [the solution word]. Quite often you'll find that this word appears in a sentence before the word "ideals" or "position."

The word has only one vowel, O, as the third letter, and there are no repeated letters. The first letter is L and the last Y. if these hints have helped you figure out the solution, well done, you! If you're still unsure, check out the answer below the next image.

The solution is synonymous with the word towering

The answer to today's Wordle puzzle (#448 — September 10, 2022) is lofty. Apart from the definitions we've supplied above, you could also refer to someone as lofty if they have a haughty, overbearing demeanor. In textile terms, a fabric is lofty if it has firm and resilient fibers. The word lofty is a derivative of "loft," which means upper chamber, originally derived from late Old English "loft," meaning "the sky." Even that goes back to Old Norse "lopt," meaning and Proto-Germanic "luftuz," both meaning "air, sky."

We solved the puzzle in five tries today — using "plier" as the first guess, even though that's not on any official "best Wordle starting words" list. We prefer to mix things up rather than play by rulebooks — it pays off sometimes, but today, "plier" wasn't a great first guess since it only turned one tile yellow. We followed up with the "boast," "lotus," and "lotto," before arriving at the answer. Hopefully, you solve the puzzle in fewer tries. It is a lofty goal, but it's not unattainable.