YotaPhone 2 To Arrive On Indiegogo This Spring

Remember the YotaPhone 2? It's the sleeker second-generation version of the smartphone with two displays: a regular LCD on the front, and an energy-sipping e-paper display on the back. We got our hands on the phone back in December, but it hasn't thus far been available to consumers in the United States — something that will be changing this spring when it launches on Indiegogo. Those who jump on the crowdfunding campaign will be given incentives for doing so, but the phone is set to cost about $600 when it arrives.


The information comes from PhoneScoop, which spoke with YotaPhone spokesman Matthew Kelly. When this spring the Indiegogo campaign will be going live isn't clear, nor the campaign specifics like what the goal amount will be and what price early backers can expect to pay for a unit. The retail price for the phone will be about $600, but early backers will be getting "incentives".

Assuming the Indiegogo campaign proves a success, the company behind the device plans to branch out to retailers like Best Buy. A white version will be joining the black version we've already seen, and YotaPhone is working on getting Android 5.0 Lollipop to the device in time for shipping to US backers/customers.

The YotaPhone is built upon a simple idea: not everything you do on your phone needs the full power that is an LCD screen. The e-paper screen serves as a substitution when applicable, showing a static image without a need for power, allowing it to sip from the battery and, assuming it is used often enough, extend the run time of that battery greatly. Hit up the timeline below for related news!


VIA: PhoneScoop

