Yahoo Mail Users Will Get End-To-End Encryption Option Next Year
Yahoo, one of several tech companies swept up in the government spying controversy, has revealed that it'll be giving its Mail users an end-to-end encryption option starting next year. The announcement was made at Black Hat earlier today, where Yahoo Chief Information Security Officer Alex Stamos detailed the plan.
Reports the Washington Post, Yahoo's end-to-end encryption option will be similar to the one Google recently rolled out. According to Stamos, the company is working with Google to make its encryption version compatible with Gmail's encryption, increasing the overall level of email security.
A browser plugin is slated to be released first, but Yahoo is also working on adding the encryption option to its mobile Mail app — that particular release is set to happen later on in the year. The EFF's Yan Zhu is the first to be hired by Yahoo for the project.
When the encryption option is finished, Stamos said that Yahoo will be making the offering open source. He also said that CEO Mayer reviews how many security bugs are unresolved personally every week.
SOURCE: Washington Post