Yahoo! Axis Browser Debuts
Everyone may be content using Google as their primary search provider, but Yahoo! still has a horse in the race. The company has unveiled its latest creation, dubbed Axis, a new browser designed to make searching more visual and intuitive. Dedicated apps are available for the iPhone and iPad, while Axis serves as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on PCs and Macs.

When you fire up the app, you're presented with a typical search bar and a list of your bookmarked websites. The search bar provides trending topics, as well as instant search results when do you start typing your query. To the right of the search is an instant preview of search results which you can scroll through to find the best match. Predictive search on certain queries, like searching for the weather, will also pop up results before you're finished typing.

Any pages that you bookmark are available on your other devices running Axis automatically, so you can pull down one result on the desktop and pick it up where you left on on an iPhone later on. Social media sharing options are also onboard, so you can send sites using Twitter or Pinterest.

There's no Android app just yet, but one is slated to make an appearance later in the year. The app is available right now for free, both for PC and for iPad and iPhone [iTunes link].