XO, OLPC, $100 Laptop, Whatever You Call It, The First 100k Of Them Have Been Sold

So many names, so few actual orders, as I understand it, the actual machine is called the XO, the OLPC is that name of the initiative behind it, and stands for One Laptop Per Child. The $100 laptop was a thing of the past back when they thought they could get it done for that price, now it's a lot closer to $188.


Anyways, NickNeg has learned a lot about how things actually work in the business world and has learned the hardware that money talks and BS runs marathons. Sure, there were several countries that he shook hands with their heads and leaders saying they were going to buy a bunch of his laptops, but Uruguay is the first to actually hand over the dough.

In fact several countries have backed out of their "Deals" with Nick Negraponte, which could bring this program to a screeching halt if the poor guy can't reach the 3 million units order that is necessary to make such cheap production possible. Don't forget, that starting on November 12th, you will be able to participate in the G1G1 program where you pay for two the laptops and you "Get 1 and Give 1" to a third world country where they are needed.


Uruguay buys first $100 laptops [via bbc news]

