XBox Video Live Service, With A Bigger Hard-Drive To Boot?

A little bit of XBox 360 news for you now, because I'm a nice man and you're very pretty.  The brutes at Engadget have been a little snap-happy at the sight of the new XBox Live Video service, taking lots of lovely pictures of the interface doing its thing, while Gizmodo have got their hands on a screen-shot that apparently indicates a hard-drive for the console far in excess of the current 20GB maximum – we're talking 70+GB, which would make sense considering the size HD videos will be (for example, the HD version of V for Vendetta comes in at 6.1GB!).


Make sure you check out the rest of the photos after the jump...

XBox Live Video hands-on [Engadget]Xbox 360 Hard Drive Leaked at 70+ Gigs? [Gizmodo]

