Xbox One Promises No Gouging On Next-Gen Games

Last week, we saw a lot of new games jump into the limelight for both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, but one thing that wasn't mentioned was the price of these games. Gamers were left worried that these next-generation titles would see yet another price bump up to $69.99. However, it seems Microsoft is keeping prices of games at the usual $59.99 price point.


A representative for Microsoft told Polygon that "Microsoft Studios games on Xbox One will be $59.99 (MSRP)." There is a huge gaping hole here, though. The company merely confirmed that their own games would be priced at $59.99, leaving third-party games with other publishers wide open still. This could mean that some games will be priced a bit higher than the $60 point, but it's anyone's guess.

In the old days of the original Xbox and the PlayStation, most games were priced at $50 and below, but once the newer consoles were released, games quickly rose to $60 a pop. Of course, gamers were still more than willing to pay that price, but more and more gamers were also getting cautious about how many games they would buy in the long run.


With the fear that both Microsoft and Sony would raise game prices to an unprecedented $70 per title, we've been wondering exactly how high they would go before gamers gave in. However, it seems that we won't have to experiment with that, as Microsoft says that their own Xbox One games will remain at $59.99 per title. Sony has also confirmed that their own first-party games will sell at $59.99.

Both Microsoft and Sony showed off a slew of new games at E3 last week that will be coming to their respective new consoles later in the fall. We saw live gameplay of Ryse with our own eyes, but it seems we were tricked, as it was also discovered that Xbox One demoes were being played on Windows 7 gaming PCs.

SOURCE: Polygon

