WWDC 2012 Tim Cook keynote: We're in!
This week Apple's biggest developer event of the year kicks off with the keynote we've literally just entered: Tim Cook is set to take the stage in just a few minutes and will be bringing you the whole set of announcements live and in-person. Here at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, we're set up to bring you not only our one and only live event feed but entries all day into our [WWDC 2012 portal] for Apple news galore! We'll likely be seeing all sorts of new MacBook Pro notebooks, a brand new version of Apple's mobile operating system iOS 6, and an upgrade to several systems including the Mac Pro!
For those of you just tuning in, head to our timeline below to get up-to-date on no less than a whole batch of rumors and leaks that have just appeared in the past 24 hours! There's no lack of excitement surrounding this event, especially since it's set to not only bring on new software, but a set of new hardware options as well.
What you'll find today is that you'll have a new computer, a brand new operating system on your mobile devices like your iPad, iPhone, and possibly even your iPod touch, and you'll find that the software you've got on your still-fabulous desktop machines will be upgraded to a whole new level of connectivity! This may well be the incoming tide of mobile connected to desktop that we've been waiting for! Stay tuned as this even starts in less than 20 minutes!