Windows Phone 7 Performance Upgrade Demoed on Video

Microsoft has been open about their first update to Windows Phone 7, saying that the update would bring plenty of improvements to the mobile Operating System. What most people are waiting for is Copy & Paste, but Microsoft is also adding other flourishes to make sure that the package isn't just a one-hit wonder. Namely, the update, which is build number 7.0.7353.0, also speeds up applications — especially the graphic-intensive games.


The demonstration below (filmed by Anandtech), which you can see in all of its video glory, showcases applications, mainly games, being loaded in two devices. The Samsung Taylor in question, of which one of them is loaded with the new software build of Windows Phone 7 (you'll have to watch it to find out which one), is put against the same device running the older version of the mobile Operating System. Bejeweled manages to load up about 16.9 times faster than the same game opening on the previous version.

The update, along with the updates mentioned above, is also meant to bring a better search experience to the Marketplace. However, the biggest question of all regarding the first software update for Microsoft's newest mobile OS is when it's coming, and that's still not answered. So, check out the video, and if you have yourself a Windows Phone 7 handset, you'll have to keep on waiting for that Copy & Paste update.


[via WinRumors]

