Windows 10 Mobile Preview Delays Somewhat Explained
With all the success and stability that Windows 10 mostly enjoys now, at least based on some reports, you'd think that Microsoft might be going full steam ahead with the mobile version of the OS. In fact, the last update did give off that impression. But that at last update is almost a month old now, and the next Windows 10 Mobile preview is nowhere to be seen. Microsoft's Gave Aul takes to the company blog, not to happily announce a new release, but to explain why there isn't one yet.
Aul assures Microsoft Insiders that the team is indeed hard working, which sort of accounts for their relative silence. They have been hard at work squashing showstopping bugs. Build 10512 last month had its fair share of issues, those already marked as known as well as those reported by testers. The good news: Microsoft claims to have fixed most of them, like mobile hotspot, Do Not Disturb, pinch to zoom in Maps, and some more.
The bad news: just as they were wrapping up internal testing, they came across some issues that were so bad that they couldn't justify releasing them even to Insiders. Each of this release blockers would have to be fixed and the retested in the internal "rings" of Microsoft's process. Aul shares that they had to actually do these three times, which, if course. causes delays.

The blog post ends on an up note, saying that fixes have been made and are already undergoing the internal testing stages now. While that is certainly good news, it does cast some doubt with the November timetable for the release of Windows 10 Mobile. If Microsoft is still bumping into critical bugs at this point, with delays that cost them weeks, it is possible that the OS is still in a pretty rough shape and will, therefore, need a lot more time in testers' hands. November, then, might be a generous estimate.
SOURCE: Microsoft