Wake up to your voice
The Ventriloque is a new alarm clock that wakes you up in a very unconventional way, although there may be something physiological about it. In short — it allows you to wake up to your own voice every morning. "Wake up, you silly bum," could be what it plays when the new day starts. It's totally up to you what you want it to say.
You record your voice via a built-in microphone, and you can always edit it. The alarm clock phenomenon seems to be in its prime. We have already been hit by Clocky, an alarm clock that rolls off your table, forcing you to get up and in anger, finding the Clocky hiding under your bed.
The unit has a nice design to it, although it does look tall and bulky. It contains the words Horloge, heures, minutes, Réveil, along with a retro looking clock at the front of it. It costs $95 and is sold exclusively from France.
Ventriloque lets you wake yourself up in the morning [Via: SciFi.com]