Video channels expected to Hit YouTube soon

YouTube is one of the most heavily visited video streaming channels on the internet. For a long time YouTube has been working hard to get more professional content on its site to help attract more advertisers. One of the ways it has done this so far is by getting streaming movie and music video deals in place with movie and music makers.


YouTube is also looking to make video channels on its site and according to people familiar with the matter; the video streaming site is "close" to announcing the video channels. The source claims that the video channels could be announced as early as next week and that several partnerships for content on the channels are in place with media outlets and well-known personalities.

The WSJ reports that some of the partners that are expected to be supplying content for the channels include IAC/InterActiveCorp Electus, FreemantleMedia Ltd, and ShineRevellie. Other personalities said to be supplying the channel include Tony Hawk, Anthony Zuiker (the creator of CSI) and more. Google is reportedly spending $100 million in advances to get the content for the channels into production. Once the content is in place, the YouTube site is expected to be reorganized into a channel centric layout.


[via WSJ]

