Vice President Biden To Discuss Gun Violence In Google+ Hangout Tomorrow
Due to the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut, the topic of gun violence and gun control has reached an all-time high. Many lawmakers are blaming violent video games as the culprit, while others think that we just need stricter gun control policies. Vice President Joe Biden will be addressing these kinds of concerns tomorrow during a Google+ Hangout at 1:45 PM ET.
This isn't the first time that the White House and Google have teamed up to bring Google+ Hangouts featuring powerful government officials, including the President himself. Around this time last year, President Obama conducted a Hangout and talked about several issues, including SOPA, which has gotten a lot of internet users riled up.
During Biden's 30-minute Hangout, the vice president will be discussing the various White House policy recommendations on reducing gun violence. Biden will be joined by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki, YouTube celebrity Phil DeFranco, and Hari Sreenivasan from PBS NewsHour, who will be the Hangout's moderator.
Google is calling these online chats "Fireside Hangouts," named after Franklin D. Roosevelt's famous radio addresses during his presidency. These Hangouts "bring top Administration officials to Google+ to discuss the most important issues in the country, face-to-face-to-face with fellow citizens." Google has said that they will host more Google+ Hangouts in the future with other top government officials.
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