Verizon Galaxy Note II gets Exynos security hole fix today

This week the folks at Verizon are pushing forth a software update to their own unique hardware for the Samsung Galaxy Note II. This update is goes by the name LL4, if you're following along with that code-name, and doesn't include a whole heck of a lot of information outside the basics for what else it's all about. Make sure you check your device today – up in the notifications panel, that is – to see that you're upgraded accordingly.


This upgrade is – until we receive additional information that says otherwise – all about fixing the security hole discovered in late 2012 inside the Samsung Exynos processor system. The name of this update LJB to LL4 suggests that it's made for only the newest machines running Jelly Bean (of course), and Samsung must be pushing it to make sure they never hear a peep about the hackable innards of their Exynos beasts again.

For those of you that don't know what this is all about, be sure to head back to a variety of posts regarding the Exynos security hole in the timeline below. Similar updates have been pushed to several Samsung machines over the past week as well – including the Samsung Galaxy S III, so we must assume we're safe pretty much across the board at this point. If you've got a Samsung machine with an Exynos processor that you're not sure is fixed by now, let us or Samsung know and you'll get your answer quick!


Also be sure to check out our hands-on with the Samsung Galaxy Note II for Verizon to see how powerful this beast is, top to bottom. You'll find the hardware is nearly the same as its siblings with the major exceptions being the logo placements on the front and back of the machine as well as the 4G LTE connectivity-capable hardware on the inside. Software inside also includes several Verizon carrier-friendly apps so you're ready to go with data tracking and account access from here to tomorrow.

[Thanks for the tip, Alan!]

