Verizon Customers Used 1.9TB Of Data In MetLife Stadium During The Super Bowl

Verizon Wireless has announced how much data that fans at the stadium during the Super Bowl last weekend used. The grand total for data usage by Verizon customers during the Super Bowl in MetLife Stadium was 1.9TB. The data was consumed by fans tweeting, texting, and talking during the game.


Verizon says that at its busiest hour, the network near the stadium handled 800% more in-stadium data volume than it handed during the Super Bowl last year. That busiest hour of data use came during the Super Bowl half time show.

Verizon had free charging station located around the stadium to help fans keep their devices charged and burning through those data allotments. Verizon updated the Distributed Antenna system inside MetLife Stadium ahead of the Super Bowl to handle the crush of data use.

The antenna upgrade quadrupled the 4G LTE data capacity inside the stadium. Verizon Wireless is the official mobile provider for the NFL. The company also provided wireless services to events held in preparation for the Super Bowl around the country, including Times Square.


SOURCE: Verizon Wireless

