V-Tech Wall-E Learning Laptop Is Educational

Kids and adults alike enjoyed the Wall-E film that came out this past year, so it's no wonder all sorts of toys and themed-products have made their way onto store shelves. Take for instance the V-Tech Wall-E Learning Laptop. It's cute, fun and educational for kids.


This little laptop features five different learning modes including words, math, games, logic and letters. All of these modes focus on educational activities for kids and helps them build language and cognitive skills. The keyboard is a full QWERTY and flips down. The arrow keys or the arm controllers can be used to scroll through the various modes and options.

With an LCD screen to boot, Wall-E blinks at you every time you answer a question correctly. This is meant for kids in the pre-school age range, I'd say, as the activities are pretty limited. Priced at $29.99, this is a fun gift for any kid that wants to have fun and is perfect for parents that wish to help their children build knowledge from an early age.


