UK retailers cut gamers a break on Rock Band

We all know that when it comes to video games, our friends in the UK almost always get shafted. Whether it's from a delayed release or a jacked-up price (usually both), it seems that they just can't catch a break. Well they've waited long enough to get their hands on Rock Band, and now a few retailers are throwing them a bone by cutting the price right off the bat.


In order to get the entire game (with all peripherals), one would need to spend about £179.98. For those that can't read strange currencies, that adds up to a little over $354. When you compare that to the $170 that we're shelling out for the game, it seems like they might be over-paying by just a bit.  as well as HMV and Gamestation have all stepped up and thrown out that pesky MSRP and decided to slash a cool £40 off the total price, bringing it down to around $275. Sure, that's still really expensive, but it sure beats paying full price.

[via MCV]

