Uber partners up with Red Cross, caps rates during disasters

Uber, the ride-sharing service, doesn't hold a favorable view in all eyes, having been a source of transportation controversy from one coast to the other. Perhaps to mitigate those negatives views, the company has partnered with the Red Cross, making promises pertaining to its business.


Given the nature of the Red Cross, the partnership is to provide aid for both people and cities in times of disaster, and became effective some time last week. Through the partnership, Uber says that under such calamities, it will donate its surge trip commissions to the Red Cross.

For those unaware, this would mean that any trip taking place with "elevated pricing" will have 20-percent of the overall fare price donated to the Red Cross (in times of disaster and states of emergency). Volunteers and members of the Red Cross will be given "safe, affordable and reliable transportation" to blood drives, as well.

Furthermore, in times of disaster, Uber has capped its pricing, keeping the rate lower than the three highest-priced days in the two months before that disaster struck. The Red Cross addressed the partnership in a statement, saying it is "grateful for Uber's support."



