Twitter's New Connect Tab Makes It Easy To Follow New Accounts

Twitter wants to make it easier to find new accounts to follow, and so it has introduced a new Connect tab that will help connect you with other Twitter users. The tab shows accounts that Twitter thinks you'll want to follow based on who you already follow, the kind of tweets you "like," current events, accounts from your local area that are popular, and more. The feature will be showing up on mobile soon.


Twitter recently detailed Connect, saying that users will start seeing it today. The accounts that show up in Connect are recommendations, not random suggestions — the more you interact on Twitter, the better Connect will be able to guess what other accounts you may enjoy following. The new feature shows why it recommended each item, as well, so you can see exactly what you have in common.

As well, the Connect tab makes it easier to find people you know in real life — users will get the option of syncing their phone's address book. In the future, when one of those contacts joins Twitter, you'll get a notification about their new account so you can follow them.

The new tab is rolling out for everyone who is using the Android and iOS apps. Once you've updated the app, you should see a small blue prompt appear that points out Connect and gives a little introduction to get you started. Check out the timeline below for more Twitter news!


SOURCE: Twitter

