Twitter May Use Better Revenue Sharing To Attract Content Creators

It's no secret that the internet's largest social sites want content creators, and most of them are willing to try a variety of strategies to attract those creators – and their audiences – to their platform. While Facebook has taken to outright paying creators to stream content through Facebook Live video, it appears that Twitter has a more long-term solution: offer a better revenue sharing program than its competitors.


According to anonymous sources speaking to CNBC, Twitter will offer a 70/30 revenue split to entice creators to publish content on the site. That potentially makes Twitter an attractive destination for these folks, as YouTube and Facebook are said to offer a revenue split near the 50/50 range.

This would make Twitter's content creators part of the company's Amplify program, which was previously only available to partnered corporations. Once accepted into Amplify, these users can then elect to have ads run alongside their videos. The big question is if people will watch – 70% of the ad revenue doesn't mean much if you rack up more views over on YouTube, after all.

Obviously, whether or not this will actually happen is anyone's guess, this being an unconfirmed report and all. However, as the growth of an already-huge social network like Twitter begins to slow, keeping existing users interested in using the platform becomes a main concern. On paper, a good way to do that is to get content creators publishing their work to the site, and when the competition in this case is Facebook and YouTube – two sites will massive user bases – using a 70/30 revenue split could be just what Twitter needs to give it an edge.



