Twitter, Facebook And YouTube Blocked In Turkey

Turkey has (once again) blocked access to YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, this time due to the reported military coup that is underway. This isn't the first time Turkey has tried to block social networks, and per the tweets and videos still making their way out today, it appears it hasn't been entirely successful. The nation often attempts to censor access to Internet sites like these during times of social or politic unrest.


According to reports, Turkey's military has kicked off an uprising, with troops being seen in the streets and residents being advised to take shelter. Jets are reportedly flying over the city, and gun shots have been heard near the president complex in Ankara. The nation's military has announced the institution of martial law and claims to have overtaken the government.

Erdogan, Turkey's president, recently countered this with a FaceTime interview on CNN, saying, "This was done from outside the chain of command." Sorting the information out has been difficult due to the current block on social media sites; as in the past, though, residents are getting around the block and sharing photos and videos of the unrest.


It isn't clear how long the nation will keep its block in place, though it likely won't be lifted until the coup reaches its end. As of the time of publication, the Twitter account Turkey Blocks says their data shows a "throttling" of social media but not a full blackout. This followed a tweet they sent out earlier this evening:

