Twitter expands transparency report with two new categories
Twitter has announced that it is, for the first time, expanding the scope of its transparency report, doing so to include two new categories: email privacy practices and trademark notices. This brings the report up to five categories. In addition, Twitter is making it easier to find its data with a redesign of its transparency site, including adding improvements to its mobile transparency portal. The new design is already in place, and the data has been refreshed with the two new sections.
Twitter has freshly updated its transparency report in total, including the sections that detail — to the extent permissible — things like content removal, copyright takedowns, requests for data on accounts, and other notices. The data now includes details from January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015.
The company says that it is seeing an increase in how many requests it receives, and that this is a trend. In particular, says Twitter, it has seen the number of requests for account information jump 52-percent — a figure that represents the largest increase so far betwixt reporting periods. Copyright notices increased 11-percent, and removal requests increased 26-percent.
As it has been doing, Twitter is also publishing copies of takedown requests it receives from the government — these are available on Chilling Effects, and take the transparency process beyond the mere statistical level. You can view the full breakdown of Twitter's latest transparency report here.
SOURCE: Twitter